Radiohead fans that call drummer Phil Selway their favorite member of the group, form a small but dedicated minority. As Tobias Fünke might say, “There are dozens of us. Dozens!” When I heard the news early last month that Selway was debuting some new material as part of Neil Finn’s Oxfam-supporting 7 Worlds Collide project, I was glad to hear that one of rock’s most reliable pacesetters would have a chance to do flex his creative muscles outside of the yeoman’s work at his world-famous day job.
Last year’s In Rainbows provided ample evidence that Selway is in many ways his band’s secret weapon, but his guitar playing and lead singing at this year’s 7 Worlds Collide reunion reveal that he might have more tricks up his sleeve than even his hardcore fans suspected.
Thankfully, YouTube user Schro23 uploaded a video of Selway’s original tune “Family Madness”, as performed in Auckland last month. The song—a slow number reminiscent of Radiohead’s “Follow Me Around”—manages to out(Fleet)fox the Fleet Foxes, as late-oughts harmony-laden folk tunes go. Not a bad start, Mr. Selway!
The song should appear on the upcoming 7 Worlds Collide album, which follows Finn’s 2001 live album of the same name.